Creative Openings
Promoting creativity in learning and teaching.

A selection of useful, current sources of inspiration
Robin Alexander (2004) Towards Dialogic Teaching, Rethinking Classroom Talk, (4th Ed, March 2008). Available from Robin Alexander’s own website or Amazon.
Robert Fisher (2009) Creative Dialogue – Talk for Thinking in the Classroom, Routledge, Oxford.
Robert Fisher (2008) Teaching Thinking, Philosophical Enquiry In The Classroom (3rd Ed), Continuum, London.
Robert Fisher's website is a rich source of information on the creative learning and teaching.
Philip Cam (2006) 20 Thinking Tools, Acer Press, Victoria, Australia.
Matthew Lipman (2003) Thinking in Education, Cambridge University Press, (2nd Ed 2007)
Neil Mercer (2000) Words and Minds – How we use language to think together. Routledge, Oxford.
Brin Best and Will Thomas (2008) The Creative Teaching and Learning Resource Book, Continuum, London.
Anna Craft (2005) Creativity In Schools, Tensions And Dilemmas, Routledge, Oxford.
Peter Worley (2012) The If Odyssey, Bloomsbury, London.
Peter Worley (Editor), (2012) The Philosophy Shop, Independent Thinking Press, Carmarthen, Wales, UK.
David Birch (2014) Provocations - Philosophy for Secondary School, Crown House Publishing Ltd, Carmarthen, Wales., UK
The Campaign for Learning is a pressure group and research body dedicated to the furtherance of creative methodologies in school through supporting whole school initiatives and providing in-service training. They demonstrate how creative learning and teaching methods can deliver outstanding lessons.
Steve Padget (Editor) 2013, Creativity and Critical Thinking, Routledge, Oxford.
Ian Gilbert (2011), Why do I need a teacher when I've got Google? Routledge, Oxford.
Edited by Terezinha Nunes and Peter Bryant
Terezinha Nunes and Peter Bryant with Ursula Pretzlik and Jane Hurry (Eds) (2006) Improving Literacy by Teaching Morphemes, Routledge, Oxford
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Creative Learning
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